I fear of losing my role as a father.
I fear the memory of me in my daughters' minds slipping away.
I am just a holiday fixture. Another endorphin rush.
And to think that I am convinced that this is the only job I am doing right. Why do I feel like a fraud?
I really hope I am just imagining things, but I hope they still can see the value of us staying together once in a while.
I appreciate the mundane things.
A story post. A surprise photo. A proud note.
Never felt that coming from my kids lately. I know I should let them be, but I have noone else to remind them how these things are important.
They don't know how I am breaking down in a transient home somewhere in Tahao road alone, thinking that they would consider another alternative guy more special to them than me.
I worry. I worry.
My God, I am crying and worrying. I don't want to lose my only role in their lives.
I hope this changes when we come home to Iriga.