Tuesday, September 18, 2012


To be able to read articles written about you and laugh at those silly observations the students clinged on about your talk and performance. All your life you thought your words are empty and now you are being quoted.

To be overwhelmed by the fact that your band's fund raising project is nearing 50 percent this early. You kept pushing for that belief that your band is worth listening and it seems more people are agreeing.

To be excited of new music from The Killers, The xx and Minus the Bear which you can't wait to consume and digest and let it penetrate you to newer musical heights.

To slowly consider the option of moving to a new apartment. 

To be able to drink your HBP maintainance meds and still stubbornly ordered a plateful of chili sisig.

To be able to calm yourself after a dizzying morning and accept the fact that maybe Ang Nawawala is not ready for her this time..and that Ruby Sparks might just do. (but you're still crossing fingers..but not that tightly)

To be able to contemplate the corniness of buying flowers...and admitting that there are times that a little corniness is welcomed.

To catch an unexpected half-smile specifically targered for you from that girl at the IT department.

To finally found real friends in the workplace who think you are worth the cents and company -- bringing you with them to Anawangin free of charge is one unbelievable proof.

To learn that your youngest daughter landed 1st honor even without studying and continually being a popstar-wannabe with her throaty rendition of an Adele and Pedicab single. it's in the genes baby.

To say yes unhesitatingly to your eldest daughter on her plea for independence (in this case, to spend lunch time at their school), making her giddy with excitement and making your heart dance to a Van Halen song.

To be able to smile and not smirk after giving in to forgiveness twice last week.

To learning to enumerate what you see and feel without resorting to poetry and psychological jargons.

To hope for better days like today, and better paychecks -- FOREVER.

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