Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Science of "I TOLD YOU SO"

I have a problem with patience.
I know there’s a thin line between being overly preachy and being someone who waits in the sideline to be that one cushion to break the fall of a friend who lost her way, but I guess I’m not made for this shit.
That’s another problem: my being empathetic. You swallow her pain and go through the same ordeal without actually being there. Your job is being objective enough to figure out the script. You become that nosy neighbor, feeding her commentaries of what will happen. And she will take it all in, and eventually hate you for it. She doesn't realize you were there all along, dipping yourself into the molten lava of HER emotional turmoil. Then you will be proven right about those little things that you were pestering her about. Darn. The science of “I told you so”.
I’ll let you in in a secret: I am almost always right.
Righteous yes, but debatably true (that's why the use of "almost" is necessary). It doesn’t apply to whatever I’m going through though. It’s like being a therapist to your own dad. It is emotionally impossible. You can’t really be objective about anything that will hit you in the hypothalamus. 
But that’s the perks (or curse – depending on how you see it) of being a psychology graduate. You read actions. You count patterns. You label movements and predict possible end results. People will call it paranoia at some point. But in the end, you will be proven right.
And when you are with someone you adore and love, you just loathe being right.

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