Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the truth about that greasy-haired infidel

I have three passions in life: Music, Poetry and Psychology. The pen has been my best friend ever since I discovered the Guns N’ Roses and Nirvana discography in sixth grade. I started writing my own songs instead of drawing robots and trucks, making me different from the other kids in school. 
I eventually learned poetry interpretation in my 3rd year in high school (thanks to my hot English teacher Ms. Fullero) which led me to despise clichés even more. The mystery of emotions and stories behind words are just difficult for this brain to pass up.  I continue to write my abysmal brand of poetry to this day.
I was planning to take Creative Writing in college but my mom did not approve so I gave in to her wishes and settled for my 2nd choice: Bachelor in Science Major in Psychology. I convinced her that I was planning to take up Law or Medicine after. Of course I was lying. Though, I did not look back. I was always fascinated with learning the hows and whys of behavior and personality. That also explains my fascination with the eccentricity of musicians and serial killers.
I play music. A lot. I am in a band called Your Imaginary Friends. I call it my catharsis, relieving me from third world stress and unburdening my senses – served better with a bottle of beer or two.

I get excited like a sissy boy over her high school crush whenever I discover new bands. I’m like Bishop from the X-men, feeding from the raw energy of new music. It makes me write more – giving me the sense of competitive energy to do an imaginary response to every great song I hear. Like Brian Wilson doing Pet Sounds in response to Revolver.
I cringed. That was a little over-the-top. Can’t put it any other way though.
My choices of movies vary from drama (Jerry Maguire, Lost in Translation, Closer), talkies (Clerks, Trainspotting) to comedies (High Fidelity, Mallrats, Annie Hall, Anchorman). I pick substance and a great script over CGI effects any day. You won’t see me getting excited about car and war movies too

I can be a little lame. Well not just a little – I hate sports. Guess I grow up too much on 90’s teen movies to eventually label sports as some stupid jock’s signature activity.
And yes, I AM BORING. you. In this literary. Literally.


  1. "It's like, my pleasure in other people's leisure."

    1. "...There was no such thing as society and if even there was, I most certainly had nothing to do with it."
